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Full Version: [REQ] Traffikar
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Anyone have this?

Magic Button :

If you do, please share. :D
Bumperooodidly ooooooo
Bump Bump for this..
Any reviews on this?
Found just the PDF on another site. Checking it out now.

Feel free to repost as a [GET] if you desire.

PS: OK, inside the small 8 page PDF there are
links to videos. Checking them out now.

UGH: This is a James Renouf product, he
sucks, his products always suck, he's usually
just selling an idea that he's never implemented.

The short summary is they're talking about buying
traffic from popular posters on Instagram in what
he's calling a "Shoutout", so it's a twist on the years
old tactic of buying the traffic from popular Youtube videos
in a related niche.
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