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It will not modify the time and date of the operating system.

How to Use ?

1.User left click on “Browse… (push button)” in “Time Stopper”. Browse your installed trial version software in –> windows drive >> Program Files >> then find out your installed trial version software and choose that .exe file which will run your program.
2.Now choose a date.This new date should include within trial period of the trial version software. We recommend to select tomorrow as the date.
3.Now you will able to create a desktop shortcut for future use. To create a desktop shortcut type the shortcut name and click on create desktop shortcut and use these shortcut to open the trial version software.
NOTE: After patching the trial version software by using Time Stopper, you must always use the desktop shortcut which created by Time Stopper to open that software otherwise the trial will end instantly.

Download it from here
You must be really a dump ass to believe this :) Are here really only assholes in this criminal forum who wants to F*** up others ??
A much better "time stopper" is a program called "RunAsDate". it's free and it has been around for years.
(02-14-2017 04:33 AM)MisterXX2 Wrote: [ -> ]You must be really a dump ass to believe this :) Are here really only assholes in this criminal forum who wants to F*** up others ??

This software actually used to be really good. A few years ago I used to use it to extend all my trials and it worked with most software that offered a trial. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work as well anymore. It still might work on some programs but I think that most software developers have become more savvy to programs like this and now extending the trial no longer works on many programs.
@MisterXX2 why you are in this forum when you say criminal Forum you ***** ???
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