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Full Version: [REQ] userTrack - Mouse Monitoring for Wordpress
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Quote:With classic analytics software you can find out that user X went from page A to page B and then left. Have you ever wondered what users actually do on your pages? How they move the cursor (note that in 80% of the time the user’s eyes follow the cursor), when they click a button, how they interact with your JavaScript widgets, what part of your website draws the most attention, etc.. userTrack does exactly that!


Please help! I am sick of paying for 3rd-party analytics!
Bump for it. I am looking for it too.
I'd like to see this too. Would you guys be up for a GB?
(02-14-2017 06:07 AM)herculean_bh Wrote: [ -> ]I'd like to see this too. Would you guys be up for a GB?

I might be down for a GB - never done one on this site before tho - so not sure how it all works...
bump.... this gotta be bumpted!
bumpity ;)

[Image: bump_kitty.jpg?w=720]
Bump again .. I need this anyone have?
i found this link...but not sure this will help or not
(05-25-2017 05:01 PM)indrajit1112 Wrote: [ -> ]i found this link...but not sure this will help or not

Thanks for the effort - just checked it out, the download link on that page forwards you to a Usenet sign-up page. :(

Also searched the surface web for 30 secs again today, still can't seem to find a copy of this anywhere yet... bump?
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