I'd like this one too, or a group buy.
Here's a collection of stuff, it's got the transcripts- I also put it in the other link- Couldn't find the audios though-
for pdfs
i just added u reps you broke over the 1000 now!!!
btw, if any1 has the Audios plz do upload
(02-22-2017 12:11 AM)LeggyAnita Wrote: [ -> ]@^^
for pdfs
i just added u reps you broke over the 1000 now!!!
btw, if any1 has the Audios plz do upload
Hey you're right I've broken 1000! Thanks for the reps! I'll try to find the audios, I've got to have them somewhere lol-
If you have this I would bribe you with a complementary rare Jay Abraham seminar transcript(don't think it is shared anywhere) which he did in Japan titled "Ultimate Relational Capital : How to get unlimited business capital without any risk or capital"
(02-10-2017 05:57 PM)LeggyAnita Wrote: [ -> ]Robert Ringer's - Fast Track to Dealmaking Fortunes Audios
PLEASE any1 have this plz up-load here at an old thread: