All my shares are kept up-to-date, so be sure to check back often.
This version is the latest update according the StudioPress website.
The Genesis Framework is one of the most popular WordPress Frameworks allowing you to quickly and easily build all kinds of websites based on Genesis Child Themes - no matter if you are a novice or advanced developer.
Enjoy !!
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thank you for the great share friend rep added
@Changsai, thank you for the great share. May I kindly ask if it is a purchased one?
It is purchased, as I have a paid account with Studiopress. I have direct access to all their latest stuff.
(02-12-2017 03:36 AM)Changsai Wrote: [ -> ]@moffy47
It is purchased, as I have a paid account with Studiopress. I have direct access to all their latest stuff.
Wow, that's great! Thank you for your response. :) +Reps added
This comes with the themes???
(02-12-2017 04:14 PM)Vijayaraj Wrote: [ -> ]This comes with the themes???
No, this is just the framework. Are you looking for any specific theme?
Hi, I'm looking for the Lifestyle theme. I would appreciate if you could upload it.
Here's the latest LifeStyle Pro theme v3.1, directly from StudioPress. I tested it on my test server, and it worked nicely. try it, let me know if you have any issues.
Download Here
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