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Well, the first thing we should know about business is, never hope for something, either we apply techniques and test them, optimize them etc or just keep the 9 to 5 job.

What I like are the tests he did to create a ROI (return on investment), even though I believe it takes a long time and lot of tests to turn 5$ to $5 or more.

Anthony Morrison - Fan Page Domination (shared in here), this guy use the same technique.
In the travel niche, he offers a giveaway travel of 600$, people click the ad, enter an email and guess what, in the thankyou page he get back his money by absence ads.
He has 100.000 emails, millions of likes, thousands of shares and makes a load of money with several ways.

As I wrote, not the first ad will work, not all niches will work, but the moment you get your money back, you are a winner, and if you build an email list or have other ads on the blog (like giveaways, lead magnets, banners to products), then definitely you gain twice.

Learning about cro (conversion rate optimization) would definitely help.
People, let's not hope, let's apply, learn, apply, test, test, test.

i want this course please
(10-21-2017 05:57 PM)ibrahemsalem97 Wrote: [ -> ]i want this course please

Lazy to read and lazy to contribute! Mad Slap
(10-21-2017 06:12 PM)cutepanda Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-21-2017 05:57 PM)ibrahemsalem97 Wrote: [ -> ]i want this course please

Lazy to read and lazy to contribute! Mad Slap

All links are expired
Ok looks like it your lucky day @ibrahemsalem97

It happens the creator of MadsenseReborn recently uploaded a playlist of ALL of his course vids into youtube and forgot to set them to 'unlisted'. The recording was done in July 2017 so they are an update to the ones originally uploaded.
Anyways, heres the link to the whole playlist.

Playlist link
PHP Code: 

Enjoy Folks
(10-22-2017 06:40 AM)topaff Wrote: [ -> ]Ok looks like it your lucky day @ibrahemsalem97

It happens the creator of MadsenseReborn recently uploaded a playlist of ALL of his course vids into youtube and forgot to set them to 'unlisted'. The recording was done in July 2017 so they are an update to the ones originally uploaded.
Anyways, heres the link to the whole playlist.

Playlist link
PHP Code: 

Enjoy Folks

Thanks my friend
Abdullah Ashraf, Tom Yevsikov and Gaurab Borah – Madsense Reborn

“Here’s How We Turned Traffic Budget Into ,898.99/Month Pure Profit 30 Minutes/Day Business…
Using A Simple Adsense + Rapid Traffic Formula That Works For Our Students, Even Complete Newbies!
“It’s back, more profitable and easier than ever before!”

Here’s an overview of the system and your training modules. (videos)

Over $200,000 in personal results
Get results in less than 24 hours
Real student results and testimonials
Works on Complete Autopilot
Easily Repeatable and Scaleable
Copy our exact templates Ads Optimisation Strategy
100% FB and Adsense compliant

Step #1 – Quick Secret File Setup

The entire initial setup is very basic yet important. But in addition to setting up your site and accounts, there is ONE crucial point of setup that will absolutely EXPLODE your profits.

It’s actually what sets you and other people who may try the SAME strategy apart and give you a HUGE advantage. So after you finish setup, we’ll give you a DONE FOR YOU secret file you just install and you’re good to go. Un-skippable module.

Step #2 – Shortcuts To HQ Content

This module is straight to the point, simple and somewhat requires a quick learning curve. Here’s what I mean for Adsense you need content, at least for this method is very crucial. But creating content manually again and again…or hiring someone to do it for you? HELL NO.

We got a shortcut which allows you to get started FAST and legally using OTHER people’s content WITHOUT rewriting or spinning. Rewriting becomes an option only AFTER you’re already making money. Pretty cool, right?

Step #3 – Adsense Setup

In this module you will learn about Adsense, setting it up, doing all the codes and stuff. Haha, I know, sounds boring, and basic. And that’s exactly what almost the entire module is.

IMPORTANT BASIC STUFF. No other option around it, you have to familiarise yourself with Adsense. However, when it comes to putting codes (we give you the codes) and applying for Adsense.. there is a specific fast approval process we use, and that’s exactly what you’ll get from us, DONE FOR YOU.

Step #4 – Simple Traffic

This is where the MEAT is, the most desirable module and the most comprehensive one. By the time you’re done with this module, you should already be making some money. We’ll show you things like how to create your first campaigns, what Is the mindset to go to this campaign with.

Testing and fast profits. Images, psychology etc..EVERYTHING. This module can not be more simple yet cannot be more comprehensive at the same time. This module alone, is worth killing for, according to our competitors.

OH and for that traffic source we will be using Facebook Advertising with $5 daily budget that will become way, way more in profits. You’ll see, It’s a lot of fun.

Step #5 – “Stairway Scaling” – NO RISK AT ALL

When it comes to scaling with FB ads, there are several different ways to do that. And it all depends on your Adsense profits, the way the campaigns perform etc..

But whatever the outcome of your test campaigns is, there is ONE thing we focus hard on. Stairway scailing.

What we mean by this is that you will scale RISK FREE. We show you how to scale, get profit and continue scaling from there ONLY.. How to pick the winners and predict mega winner and scale them. This will be the point where you will be making the SERIOUS money.

I’m talking life changing Income.

EXCLUSIVE BONUSES For The Fast Action Takers!

Bonus #1 – LIVE Training Webinar With Abdullah

Join our customers only webinar where we reveal 3 secrets to becoming highly profitable with our Madsense Reborn… and even take you on a walk through our 5 figure campaigns.

Bonus #2 – Quick Content Cheatsheet
The best places to find highly trending, hot and engaging content to fuel your website. If you can just find 5 good articles, you would easily be making $200-$300/day.

Bonus #3 – Headline Secrets

Discover these 3 easy tricks to create high converting headlines that get more clicks and engagement on your posts. More eyeballs, more clicks and more publisher revenue. Easy!


Abdullah Ashraf, Tom Yevsikov and Gaurab Borah – Madsense Reborn Contains: Videos, PDF´s

Download Link >>> Madsense Reborn
uploading >>>>>don't forget to say thanks if you want more .............
I would say thanks if there was something to thank you for...................

(11-28-2017 12:57 AM)madabest Wrote: [ -> ]uploading >>>>>don't forget to say thanks if you want more .............
I will say thanks and max reps for you, good job
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