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Full Version: GSA Email Spider 5.30: Harvest,Scrape,Extract Thousands of Email/Pone Numbers/Fax form Targeted Keywords!
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Hello everybody,

This is my second share on this fantastic forum and i'd like to show you this amazing software that i'm using NOW and it's extremely powerful.

[Image: email_message.png]

It has the ability to find targeted Emails/Phone Numbers/Fax from keywords initially set or from specific URL website . Support PROXIES!

  • Extract emails from a starting web site
  • In addition to the email grabber you can search for phone and fax numbers
  • Send emails automated to your new customers
  • Harvest emails with the help of search engines (300+ included)
  • Support for https web sites
  • Support for SSL-only email providers (like google mail)
  • Send emails directly with internal snmp server
  • Javascript analysis to find protected email addresses
  • Protection from anti spider engines (e.g. random user agent)
  • Collect emails with their extra data (e.g. address)
  • Many filters to only extract emails you want
  • Very fast processing (with 100 threads you can easly extract 500 new emails a minute)
  • Multilingual support (English and German for now)

Checkout all features from the official website: hxxp://

[Image: Download-button.png]
what's the password for the zip?
You didnt give password for the rar file and therz no serial too , i dont know why you people share such kind of stuff without paswword and serial . check it and become useful to this forum, dont just share which cant be used by anyone...
serial is within the zip but it's untouchable without the pass :/
sorry guys,i commit a mistake! The new link is uploaded
hey, can you plz just give the password for the zipfile if you have
pass is in the txt file within the rar
The password is
^^lol hackforum, ok kid, happy spreading....
Not sure why your being an ass, I simply shared the password that was in the text file (that for some reason people were having trouble finding.

Don't be an ass. If you like, say thanks. Otherwise, move on.
Pages: 1 2
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