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Full Version: [GET] Very Interesting - January/February 2017
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VI (Very Interesting) is the magazine that fascinates, surprises, captivates and gives answers to questions you never thought you wanted the answer to. VI has a clear focus to introduce you to the entertaining world of knowledge through intelligent content on Technology, Science, Culture, History, Health, Psychology and much moreā€¦.and presents them in a unique way compared to other magazines. We call it a quirky read. VI magazine connects knowledge with entertainment and is your trusted companion on your ongoing quest for knowledge.

I bet my city, New York City is very bad for mental health here. Too many d*** bobbleheads here!!!
(01-20-2017 06:25 AM)rebellious Wrote: [ -> ]I bet my city, New York City is very bad for mental health here. Too many d*** bobbleheads here!!!

...and they're P-R-E-T-T-Y L-O-U-D too!!!
looks like a fun read, thanks for the share
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