So this is basically like Alex Becker's workhorse plugin with syndication option put online as a saas platform?
Generate thousands of long tail city/zip code pages with spun content and schema on one particular domain and syndicate to web2.0's .etc
Sites they show on salesvideo:
beauty salon westerhope
driving lessons darlington
beauty salon westerhope
private driving instructors darlington
beauty salon redditch
(01-19-2017 03:30 AM)itsme Wrote: [ -> ]Looks good, i am in for GB.
Not sure if that is possible as the WP plugin chains your website to a webapp that you have to login. This vid gives clearer detail than some other sources I looked at.
I am sitting on the fence today almost ready to buy the pro for $47. Still need to clarify some of the details.

Here's more info, bonuses and pricing with OTO's:
JV Page: (currently down)
FE Preview:
FE Pro:
FE Lite:
OTO 1 link:
OTO 2 link:
OTO 3:
For the first 48 hours they get 62% off the actual retail price, the lite version is at $37, pro version is at $47. When 48 hours is over, the price increases by $10 on both versions, so it'll be $47 lite, and $57 pro, this will last until the launch ends. The HUGE scarcity on this entire launch is that once the launch week is over, the product will go up to it's full retail price which is $127 for the pro and $97 for the lite version
Login details here:
You can watch the tutorial videos here that show you how to use serplify.
Here is an basic overview video on how Serplify works:
We've added a site that you can use for your own demos if you want. It is already prebuilt, and so you can use it right away without going through the hassle of adding a site to your dashboard.
The site is
If you want to use a demo video for you're presell on your review pages, you can use:
Considering purchasing too. But on the fence as well. Thanks Verminator for info and access data.
I am on the fence too. $47 isn't a bad price for serpshaker/workhorse clone (if it works, unlike workhorse)
Unlike @cloneofclone's experience, I have had TERRIBLE results with Zamoron's stuff. Anyone rememer SEO Dojo (I think it was called). It worked really well for about 90 days, then stopped working. Then he abruptly refunded everyone their last $99/mo payment.
When asked, the reply was essentiallly 'it wasn't working out as hoped' which I took to mean that his support cost was more than expected and he didn't get many buyers.
But YMMV and I am still considering this. I'm gonna take a look at some of the JV stuff and see if it looks like it would hold water...for more than 90 days.
A GB might work because one of the OTOs is reseller rights. I don't know if there are any price, etc. restrictions though.
Please read this wisely before spending your money !
Quote:Don’t be fooled. Basically, software that spins and posts duplicate spun pages with perhaps different city names is a big big no no.
This sort of strategy violates a number of principles from a Google perspective:
• Doorway pages
• Google detectable mass duplicate content
• Google detectable mass Spun content (you should never use spun content on a money site – rookies error – and always check/edit spun content manually)
Hi Revox,
Thank you for the link to the review, (+5 Rep given) which is very revealing and will make anyone think twice about this. John Pearce is one of those honest guys who has been around a while and I always respect his opinion, and in this case he sees the software/plugin as basically creating doorway pages. This is a big no-no in the eyes of Google, and will get you de-indexed or even banned. Buyers Beware!!!
Awesome Tips from John. Indeed Backway pages are a No No for google. But the only reason i would buy these kind of plugins is for competition analysis. If a badly spun content and an awful onpage can rank for local keyword on the 1st,2nd or 3rd page, then its super easy to rank for. And If there are people paying for adword for the keyword term, then its profitable enough. All i need do is to build a local site, targeting that town or city with same keyword that ranked with the mass page creator. I think for those that already bought it, do not discard it yet, you can still use it to find easy to rank keyword terms.
First a Shout out and max Rep to Revox..
Below are facts + true details about this
tool. These are facts + details to help
better inform our BBHF family in making
a well and informed decision regarding
this tool..
Serplify was originally scheduled and
promoted among Jvs to launch 11/16/2016
The Funnel was as below:
Serplify Pro
by: John Gibb And Mo Miah
Serplify Finder
by: John Gibb And Mo Miah
Serplify Academy
by: John Gibb And Mo Miah
Serplify Downsell Commercial License
by: John Gibb And Mo Miah
The launch was scraped even after
many JV's applied and were accepted
to help promote this software,
The original Jvzoo links given to
every JV was redirected to an
error/blank page depending on
your browser type.
The reason being that project
was scrapped and never followed
through due to an in-explainable
launch hitch.
The SAME tool has now been RE-LAUNCHED
with the same product name but
"DIFFERENT" developer names ( JZ + Terminators)
in "SEVEN" different Funnel sequences...
1. Serplify Pro Has Sales Funnel
by: JZ + Terminators
2. Serplify Academy Has Sales Funnel
by: JZ + Terminators
3. Serplify Deluxe 6 Month Plan Recurring payments Has Sales Funnel
by: JZ + Terminators
4. Serplify Resellers License Has Sales Funnel
by: JZ + Terminators
5. Serplify Lite Has Sales Funnel
by: JZ + Terminators
6. Serplify Resellers License Downsell Recurring payments Has Sales Funnel
by: JZ + Terminators
7. Serplify Deluxe mly Recurring payments Has Sales Funnel
by: JZ + Terminators
Its your decision and judgement
at the end of the day but I hope
this information helps in that process.
I am also sitting on the fence today
but tomorrow PRO $57
day after tomorrow PRO $127