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Full Version: [GET] New tool to find tons of trending keywords
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thx and reps
where's tool have this function: collect keywork for top search per day for any country? on google or youtube?
Thanks for your reps!

(01-24-2017 10:44 PM)nop123 Wrote: [ -> ]where's tool have this function: collect keywork for top search per day for any country? on google or youtube?

I'm not sure if I fully understand your question. The data is taken from Google.
The tool is not collecting the hot searches that you see on since Google Trends only provides a limited number of trends.

With our tool, you can select the country and sort by "Updated on" to find keywords for a given day and country. We plan to add a slider to that would allow you to filter the terms by the data they were updated.
We have just updated our tool with a refresh functionality that allows you to update the trend charts and data for every term. To use the feature, you have to create a free account and log in.
Hi guys, please give me... max repp added
Thanks KWAlert
Great share
Reps given
Well done friend... would like to try it out and will get back to you with my fedback as well...

Please share
Great share and +5 Rep given
nice tool! Pls update search volume and CPC keywords. Thanks!
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