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[Image: featuressimplicity.jpg]
Learn your craft as you write a book

The step-by-step guide that’s included as part of the Novel Factory means that you can get started planning and writing your novel right away, and learn all the theory about story structure, plot development, character development, themes, editing and tons more – all while putting it into practice.
[Image: featuresdataorganisation.jpg]
Notes automagically organised

No more drowning in piles of paper notes or spending hours organising digital folder structures. The Novel Factory offers a clear obvious structures for noting down information about plot, characters, locations and supporting resources and notes, so everything is effortlessly organised.

[Image: featuresroadmap.jpg]
How to write a novel step by step

The Roadmap is an optional step-by-step guide written by the creators of the Novel Factory. It takes you through a tried and tested process from writing a rock solid premise to developing characters and locations to story beats and goal to decision cycles to drafting, editing and polishing the completed manuscript.

[Image: featurescharacters.jpg]
Character development

Keep all your characters safe in the dedicated Characters tab. You can see an overview of all your characters, or open one of them up to view details, including hair colour, age, history, pictures and much more.

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++reps appriciated
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