(01-15-2017 09:16 AM)eagle1925 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the share, reps added!
(01-15-2017 10:14 AM)fsobra Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for share! Add +rep
(01-15-2017 11:55 AM)escherichia Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you very much. Your share looks like pretty good info.
(01-15-2017 01:31 PM)Satto61 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the share, rep added.
(01-16-2017 09:28 PM)Jam03 Wrote: [ -> ] +rep added
(01-16-2017 10:35 PM)I.M.Awesome Wrote: [ -> ]Great timing! I'm starting to get into Pinterest myself. This will help me LOTS! Thanks!