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You've read about quinoa's myriad health benefits, noticed its migration onto restaurant menus, even learned how to correctly pronounce its name, and now the important part: How do you incorporate quinoa into your kitchen?

Quinoa is a gluten-free superfood high in fiber, and rich in protein and antioxidants that can do wonders for your health. Quinoa is proven to promote weight loss, and is an excellent source of nutrients such as calcium, iron, and B vitamins. Many do not realize that quinoa can be incorporated into practically any recipe from breakfast to dessert. The Quinoa Cookbook will show you how to easily make quinoa one of your diet staples, and how quinoa can help you lose weight and improve your overall health.

The Quinoa Cookbook will show you how to use quinoa in your everyday cooking, with:

Quinoa nutrition facts, cooking tips, and a brief history of the ancient superfood

116 recipes that introduce quinoa into every meal of the day, and dessert, too

Delicious versions of your favorite meals, including quinoa, such as Quinoa Risotto with Mushrooms and Flourless Chocolate Cake

A chapter dedicated to ensuring that you understand how to work with quinoa and achieve the tastiest results

I imagine if you asked most people about quinoa, they would have that "deer in the headlights" look! Thanks for sharing this super grain book.
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