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Full Version: Local SEO Consultant jailed
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I mean there was malcontent, he's definitely guilty
Not to mention the fool sent emails to the company that can, and will, be used against him in court. The company attorney, if he/she has a minimum of legal training, will use those emails to show he tried to use extortion before he made any blog posts. Lesson: If you don't want it to come back to haunt you, don't write it.Hitface
I dont think he is guilty.
Through him in jail (if found Guilty) ... too many people hide behind the internet to create mayhem, and blackmail. Not to mention hackers who destroy websites for no reason.
I have experience these sorts of attacks/ extoration.
after earned $80,000 and do not stop
only greedy stupidity
The firm paid him $80,000 in 2010 and 2011 to end the relationship, authorities said.
looks like he did some shady stuff, if he is guilty - interesting case
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