Size: 73MB
Thanks SunnyTRIO -- but the .mp3 is for the I Can Make You Sleep program.
Thank you for sharing. I suppose the 'Hypnotic Trance' will send you to sleep LOL

Sorry, will upload the correct MP3 soon.
(01-09-2017 09:35 AM)samdman007 Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for sharing. I suppose the 'Hypnotic Trance' will send you to sleep LOL
Samdman007 . . . the hypnotic induction is for the
I Can Make You Rich program. Paul McKenna's work is always great, in my experience. He uses split tracks that overlap so your conscious mind can't follow both. I try these and then buy them usually.
Thanks again
SunnyTRIO! No problem -- and looking forward to the .mp3 whenever you get a chance.
Would be great to see this. McKenna is no dope.
Waiting for the right product to be uploaded
(01-11-2017 11:19 AM)PeterRogers Wrote: [ -> ]Waiting for the right product to be uploaded
Part of it is right: the paraliminal -- which is McKenna's most valuable weapon.
what are you guys waiting for? that hypnotic induction.wma is the correct file.