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Full Version: [GET] [NULLED] Tiger Post v3.0.1- Facebook Auto Post Multi Pages/Groups/Profiles
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So I asked @blackwordwide if there is any problem creating a new thread for the nulling version and here it is. Remember go and give him some reps for sharing the original file. (

[Image: preview.png]

Tiger Post – Facebook Auto Post Multi Pages / Groups / Profiles is the perfect app to help you are Post Pages, Groups, Profile quickly with just a few mouse clicks. Help you reach the fastest and most effective way to customers.

Donwload 3.0.1:

Version 3.0.1
- Add new feature post multi image
- Add new feature delete all post
- Fixed change language
- Fixed schedule list
- Improve source

You should know it :P
(12-28-2016 10:18 PM)sup3rman Wrote: [ -> ]So I asked @blackwordwide if there is any problem creating a new thread for the nulling version and here it is. Remember go and give him some reps for sharing the original file. (

[Image: preview.png]

Tiger Post – Facebook Auto Post Multi Pages / Groups / Profiles is the perfect app to help you are Post Pages, Groups, Profile quickly with just a few mouse clicks. Help you reach the fastest and most effective way to customers.

Donwload 3.0.1:

Version 3.0.1
- Add new feature post multi image
- Add new feature delete all post
- Fixed change language
- Fixed schedule list
- Improve source

You should know it :P

Thank you bro! You're superb! Rep+
Thank you sup3rman. Rep+++++ Do you have also vtgram?
(12-29-2016 02:39 PM)kafirbaz12 Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you sup3rman. Rep+++++ Do you have also vtgram?

Yes you can download iit from here:
Thanks bro. Max Rep added.
Got it to install, but ended up with a white home page. Would have been a good share
(12-29-2016 11:42 PM)badladett Wrote: [ -> ]Got it to install, but ended up with a white home page. Would have been a good share

I checked this myself, my guess is you didnt copy the .htaccess
I installed it, ]ok , When I come to add the Access Token there is just a submit button according to the video there should be a authorise button.Stuck on this now

[Image: 11i32v9.png]
(12-30-2016 06:18 AM)billuk3 Wrote: [ -> ]I installed it, ]ok , When I come to add the Access Token there is just a submit button according to the video there should be a authorise button.Stuck on this now

[Image: 11i32v9.png]

Now you mention this, I forgot to change some code and I think is realted to that part.

Replace "app\modules\facebook_accounts\views\update.php" with this file and try again.
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