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BUMP Happydance
purchase code ? its ioncube encoded is anyone decode install.php
This is the unique persone who decoded any version of ioncube because install.php is coded by ioncube
and what about null ?
Useless without purchase code
(01-13-2017 10:19 AM)MorrisBeggy Wrote: [ -> ]Useless without purchase code

Useful for the one with purchase code or the one who can decode ;)
I got the decrypted version of the file, if anyone need it and willing to share $5 for the cost of decode I spent please let me know. Filename "index.php" :

Here is the prove

function verify_code($code_to_verify) {
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "" . $code_to_verify . ".json");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)");
    $output = json_decode(curl_exec($ch), true);
    return $output;

$username = $_SESSION["login_user"];
$RES = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM `admin` where username='" . $username . "'"));
$login_session = $RES["username"];
if (!(isset($login_session))) {
    header("Location: /login.php");
$purchase_data = verify_code($RES[purchase_code]);
if ($purchase_data["verify-purchase"]["item_id"] != "19178261") {
if (isset($_POST["Save"])) {
    $URL = $_POST["URL"];
    $app_id = $_POST["app_id"];
    $app_Secret = $_POST["app_Secret"];
    $db->query("UPDATE `settings` SET `URL` = '" . $URL . "', `app_id` = '" . $app_id . "', `app_Secret` = '" . $app_Secret . "'");
    $mess = "<div style=\"text-align:center;margin-top:12px;\">Saved <i class=\"small-like\" style=\"background-position:0px -60px;\"></i></div>";
if (isset($_POST["Save_live"])) {
    $background = $_POST["background"];
    $live_name = $_POST["live_name"];
    $Number = $_POST["Number"];
    $Live_ID = $_POST["Live_ID"];
    $image_1 = $_POST["image_1"];
PHP Code:
(06-07-2017 05:30 AM)ice Wrote: [ -> ]
PHP Code:

"LAURBALAUR" will not be happy lol
Pages: 1 2 3
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