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Water is the foundation of good health, but if you're like most people, you don't drink nearly enough water per day. You might even think that water is just plain boring. Infused Water is full of creative and flavorful ideas for increasing your daily water and nutrient intake. Infusion is a great way to enjoy the vitamins and flavors of fresh fruits and vegetables without the extra calories or fructose found in juices.

This comprehensive guide features more than 100 nutrient-rich recipes for thirst-quenching drinks that control your appetite, aid digestion, and improve your overall health. There's an infused water for everyone, from traditional flavors like Crisp Cranberry-Lime to surprising pairings like Lemon-Oregano. Sip your way to better health with these refreshing and nutritious infusions!

great share, thanks
Love this share! Nice Thread
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