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So overall in my life so far I have overcome some of my most major goals.

I am an information consuming machine and I read or watch videos for accomplishing the goal that I want to accomplish, then take action on what I had learned. (Information from Tony Robbins, RSD, Tai Lopez, Napoleon Hill, Eckhart Tolle, Paul Scheele)

Was about to quit high school because I could not learn for the life of me. In my final year after (somehow I managed to make it there) I learned a technique of photo reading; in short its downloading information into your brain through a meditative state. This blew up my language skills and memory retention. Use this reading technique ever since.

With women I was terrible. Within a year, went from not being able to talk to girls to having random sex after work with women I have never met before.
Now completely satisfied with where I am at.

Was fit but didn't look the part spending hours in the gym to get that body that I wanted with no result. Ended up optimising my diet and exercise plan so that now I almost have those flat abs that I've always wanted.

Now the biggest challenge for me is MONEY. Starting my business inspired by Tai Lopez with the social media marketing agency.
I'm scared and broke at the moment. So this is where I am at.

If you have any questions about health, fitness, relationship and meeting new people or photoreading don't be afraid to ask I'll happily help you out :)

Peace out and much love,

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