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Full Version: [GET] Supermarket Magic: Creating Spells, Brews, Potions and Powders from Everyday Ingredients
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The tools of magic don't have to be expensive or difficult to find--they're right in your supermarket aisles! This easy-to-use book provides clear instructions for working simple and powerful spells--with only common ingredients.

Perfect for Witches and all practitioners of natural and herbal magic, this essential guide explains all the basics of magic including ethics, meditation, timing, and basic charging techniques. There are clear instructions for working a wide variety of simple and powerful spells: clearing and cleaning, increasing harmony, healing, love, lust, beauty, luck money, protection, and honing psychic abilities. Discover how to whip up magical brews, powders, and oils using inexpensive items that can be conveniently purchased at your local grocery store.

Yay for another great share! Many many thanks Stillstanding. Thanks and reps given :)
I never know what your going to come up with every day! Thanks for another great share!
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