(12-07-2016 06:12 AM)Tong Wrote: [ -> ]Here are the files to the eComily Pro and Whitelabel versions, and Traffic Gram.
Magic Button :
Usual password. Please add mirrors. Thank you.
which usual password? when I enter the usual password it says wrong password.
It worked with "bestblackhatforum.com" for me. Maybe try it again?
(12-07-2016 04:43 AM)Cronos783 Wrote: [ -> ]What script is this? Is it a standalone script, a wordpress plugin or what? Thanks for sharing though.
It appears to be a Wordpress plugin, but it also looks like you need to have Woocommerce plugin to make it work right. I'm still reading. The PDF installation instructions are where I discovered what this really is.
This Warrior Forum post explains it a bit better. Their English is poor and they avoid saying exactly what it is, but spend a lot of time on what it does instead:
But authenticating with Trafficgram works, I do not know why they used different methods then. I tried it several times now with Ecomily but there was always same message after logging into my account.
(12-10-2016 05:20 AM)SchoolBoy1 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys a quick question? I have the zip file how do I set this up.
Sorry for the dumb questions. Help anyone please.
Thanks guys
There seems to be several different versions of this. The Ecomily Pro is a wordpress plugin, but the regular Eomily is an online program. The instructions for installing it on your wordpress website are in the PDF that comes in the zip file you downloaded. It's titled "Ecomily Ecommerce Pro User Guide"
Looks like everybody is getting the same exception error. This would be a great plugin to use for an ecommerce site if you could get it work. Has anyone had luck trying to authenticate? Because what it seems like is the oauth link is bad and was never changed. Maybe, it was sandboxed when they tried it and never changed the link. Any ideas?