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JV :

Magic Button :

Other products:

Magic Button :

Thanks aLwAyStEsTiNg, I'll take a look at this. Rep coming. Cheers!
Hi. So basically he's saying to sign up for this leadeserve service that presents your offer to people who sign up for other things presented to them by the likes of American Express, AT&T etc?

But you only pay when someone is interested enough to sign-up?

Not really seeing the different business return here because all it is really is paying only when someone signs-up to receive information from you (I know he says they give you $25 if you sign up for $5 worth of service or sth?.

I remember an old service similar to this but can't remember the name - all the same this is about a service that is supposed to get you subscribers BUT you're only charged when someone signs up?

One challenge is he does not show what the company itself offers i.e. what sort of main offers do they present to people? Reader's Digest? Town and Country? Are the people in the same/right demographic for a specific niche e.g. IM? MMO? Self-Help?

Seems like a lot of questions but trying to figure out what this really offers that doesn't already exist and how much of a fit it is for IMErs?

***Other Products***

His other "products" are really reproduced information from back in the day that he has slightly modified. Anyone who has been online for more than 5 years will recognize the "100 product ideas" he talks about. A real example he gives is "You can write an ebook. For example, it could be about the topic of animals. A final point is you can add chapters and objectives to the product.

2) You should compose a print report. To illustrate, it might be related to automobiles. To close...

While there are people and will always be people "into animals" this is not advice I give to my students who want to learn how to create information products or MMO.

Just a heads up for the forum by way of a quick review.



(12-06-2016 05:34 AM)aLwAyStEsTiNg Wrote: [ -> ]JV :

Magic Button :

Other products:

Magic Button :

Thanks for the honest review!
Thanks for the review
Here's a review. I didn't know until I went through the videos that it's about Opt-intelligence and their Leadserve system. I have used Leadserve twice before. The first time was last year. I ran a couple of offers and got a large list overnight.
The targeting for category and demographics are easy to use and are pretty good. We're not talking Facebook good here, but okay nontheless. I hooked my Getresponse AR to it and ran a couple of offers. I built a list of over 1,600 in 48hrs. I was really excited as my AR sequence started to go out....nice, easy relationship building stuff with bags of free value. Textbook list nurturing emails.

That's when the wheels came off. Nobody clicked the links in the emails. Well, actually one guy did, but he had joined from my landing page and not Leadserve. It was a dead loss.

A couple of months ago, I thought I would give it another go. Perhaps I had screwed-up somewhere. This time, I ran three totally different campaigns.

One was for a free camping/survival multi-tool. Just pay p&p (US only) I targeted outdoor/camping and USA. Not one taker. Hopeless.

On the face of it it seemed a great way to build a list. It is! But you need the list to actually respond to your offers. Maybe I did make an error somewhere along the line but I don't think so. They do have their own built-in AR they give you at no extra cost, so maybe that would be worth a go.

Don't let my experience put you off though. Have a look and make your own mind up.


By-the-way. The p&p for the multi-tool on my campaign offer was just $4.97 so nothing over the top. It looked a quality item too.
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