AIO Mirror and Pdf's Unlocked (you don't have to put the password everytime).
(12-06-2016 03:27 AM)jazzman777 Wrote: [ -> ]AIO Mirror and Pdf's Unlocked (you don't have to put the password everytime).

Amazing share and +5 Rep given
This is Work Thanks Bro rep ++
This is a nice share. I like the data it gives you before each of the sections that are geared towards a specific target profile. It goes into details about salary and the mindset of the target audience. I feel this can be very important in helping get your mindset right as you are writing copy for that specific target.
Very, very helpful.
Thanks for this share, I find it very unique in the world of Copywriting.
Thank you so much ahujavini for sharing this copywriting gem with all of us here, and thanks to BBHF too. Thanks again and I added reps too.
ahujavini ! thank you so much for bringing this up +5 rep :)
jazzman777! thank you so much for the mega mirror...very useful +5 rep :)