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Full Version: [REQ] Evergreen Income Machines
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This looks good.
a small bump for this. I can't seem to find the dl page for this
I'm wondering what kinda traffic they use, though. Traffic doesn't seem to be covered in the FE. Tom E did a review video promoting this and I'm pretty sure he said their OTO2 was about "free traffic".

That usually doesn't bode well.
I'm interested

This is the same system which has been working for the past 20 years.

The Strategy

The first thing that you need to do is decide what offers you want to promote. Obviously, you need to pick offers from a hungry niche.

Clickbank Marketplace is a very good place to start with.

So you have picked a niche, you are going to need two or three products in that niche that you can promote and those products need to pay you a reasonable commission.

Now, the next step is you are going to create a giveaway. Use the free report generator inside the Evergreen Income Machine to create it.

Next, you are going to build a lead capture page that offers the incentive. Again, you can use the Lead Capture Page Builder in Evergreen Income Machine or you can use your favorite page builder to create it.

You are also need to build a monetized download page for your free gift. Again, you can create your download page inside the download page builder inside the Evergreen Income Machine.

The next thing you need to do is setting up your follow up sequence. This is very important because this is how you can build relationship with your subscribers. Again, if you have the Pro Plus version, you can use the follow up sequence generator in Evergreen Income Machine to create it.

Now, you need to drive traffic. Your two best friends when it comes to getting traffic are your credit card and your PayPal account. You can use free traffic if you want to.

So that is the system. Once you have it done, you can repeat it easily.
Bump Bump
Wouldn't mind seeing this. Thanks for the overview, Show. Repped.
anybody got this to share
I believe it is web based so doubt it can be shared.

Andy Brocklehurst is a very fly marketer and you need to read between the lines in his sales pages as he rarely tells all. I could be wrong, but I guess you need OTOs for this to work successfully with his software.

As 'show' says, this is an evergreen system. Brocklehurst has just built an app around it so it should have some value, but my guess is that it will be expensive to make money from it.

Having said that, IF he honours his 30-day money back guarantee without hassles, it could be worth looking at.
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