Our health as a nation is declining. In addition, it is becoming increasingly clear that allopathic medicine has come to a plateau in its efforts to stem the tide of degenerative disease. As a result, mind-body medicine is a very big topic for the 90s. You the Healer offers a guide that can help you and your loved ones to live a healthy, disease-free life. Based on the most successful mind development program in the world today, You the Healer offers a complete course in Silva Method healing techniques in a do-it-yourself, forty-day format.
By reading one chapter a day and doing the indicated exercises, you can be firmly on the path to wellness in just six weeks. In You the Healer Jose Silva and Robert B. Stone offer a proven method of attuning to the special mind frequency called alpha. In this alpha frequency, a healing state is activated. These lower-frequency alpha brain waves can be used to achieve maximum well-being; they can be applied to healing yourself as you work with your health-care professional; and they can be used to help you heal others. Included are inspirational stories of people who have successfully used this method to regain their health after illness or injury.
thanks for the healing share
Nice one stillstanding!
Anything else from Silva? :)
the Ge.TT link is still working.... Jose Silva has some great stuff and a lot of research to show the power of our minds to have a huge impact of the lives we live, the health we have and even the income we make.
Some will say this is just B.S.... Fine, keep living the way you are living.... But ask anyone that has delved into these types of things/studies and you keep coming up with very similar results.... They work.
So, if you want to improve your life, get this book, read it, then DO THE EXERCISES on a daily basis... Try it for just 30 days and if you don't see a major change in your life, what have you lost? NOTHING.... But on the other side, if you find like so many others that you get positive results, well, for the price of a download, think about the ROI of that...
(04-11-2017 02:04 PM)GordonShumway Wrote: [ -> ]the Ge.TT link is still working.... Jose Silva has some great stuff and a lot of research to show the power of our minds to have a huge impact of the lives we live, the health we have and even the income we make.
Some will say this is just B.S.... Fine, keep living the way you are living.... But ask anyone that has delved into these types of things/studies and you keep coming up with very similar results.... They work.
So, if you want to improve your life, get this book, read it, then DO THE EXERCISES on a daily basis... Try it for just 30 days and if you don't see a major change in your life, what have you lost? NOTHING.... But on the other side, if you find like so many others that you get positive results, well, for the price of a download, think about the ROI of that...
Yep, yep, yep. Great point.
PDF Version:
StillStanding always share rare gems...thank you so much...+5 rep :)
Nancy857 , thank you for the pdf...+5 rep :)
Agree with GordonShumway, I used this 8 years back and I felt very peaceful
most of the time, life was great and my intuition was also working greatly,
but I stopped doing it and chased other shiny objects.
Here is the principle behind all mind control methods, whether it is
think and grow rich, silva method or psychocybernetics or any
kind of healing, predictions, clairvoyance,telekenesis-principle is relaxation.
Getting your body and mind relaxed to get into an alpha state or even
better into a theta state.Then using imagination to imagine whatever
you desire to achieve.
MEGA Download:
Thank you stillstanding
Thank you Nancy (the pdf is gone but)
Love the Silva Method
Thank you StillStanding for this great share