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Dreams and Visions,
The Children and Law of One
The lost teachings of Atlantis
The Sleeping Prophet
Understanding your dreams

The story of Edgar Cayce and other people with parapsychological ability is a most compelling and interesting phenomenon of mental capacity. That some people have this type of psychic ability demonstrates the vast power and perception of the human mind that warrants investigation. That this type of phenomena doesn't necessarily "fit" into mainstream psychological study causes severe conflict with generally accepted mainstream beliefs about the workings of the mind.

As a consequence, the field of orthodox study tends to put people like Cayce into the catagory of fakes and charletans, at worst, and to ignore them at best. The study of this type of psychic phenomenon would go far in explaining the unknown regions of the mind. Scientific discovery necessitates following examples that are exceptions to the general rule. People with parapsychological powers ala Cayce provide great opportunity to track the great uncharted regions of the human psyche.


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