4.5.1 (31.08.2017)
- Option to show pop-up based on referer
- Option to hide pop-up based on referer
- Option to display pop-up only to logged in users
- Theme Builder: hidden input
- Theme Builder: calendar input
- Ready themes: calendar input
- Close pop-up on scroll
- JavaScript Hooks
- Minor bug fixes
Does anyone know how to edit the thread title?
(09-13-2017 03:14 AM)barclaysone Wrote: [ -> ]the update not working
What do you mean by not working?
Thank you very much for a fantastic plugin !
i just did my first one, been thinking and wanting to do it for ages, i thought it would be quite difficult and take ages, IT WAS VERY EASY AND VERY QUICK-
(they look very professional with premade templates)
the exit intent is'nt working on mine, but hopefully i'll get that sorted out.
thanks again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.5.3 (06.12.2017)
- Option to use 'POST' or 'GET' method for sending form data
- Option to set hour range when pop-up should show
- Option to track users with drip JavaScript API
- Fixed problem with re-opening ready themes pop-up after close
- Option to use custom hook instead of wp_footer. Just place where you want <?php do_action('snp_run_footer'); ?>
- E-mail notifications about subscription has reply-to header set for e-mail filled out by user
- Theme builder: Option to use external forms shortcodes in pop-up (for example formidable or ContactForm7)
- Minor bug fixes
Updated the download link here and in original post