11-17-2016, 03:10 PM
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| P R.E S E N T S . |
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| The Second Economy |
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| The Race for Trust, Treasure and Time in the Cybersecurity War |
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| DATE: 2016-11-03 SIZE: 540,35KB DISKS: 01_______4,77MB PAGES: |
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| PUBLISHER: Apress GENRE: Computer Science |
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| AUTHOR: Grobman, Steve, Cerra, Allison |
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| URL: http://www.apress.com/gp/book/9781484222287 |
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| LANGUAGE: English ISBN: 978-1-4842-2229-4 |
: :
: In today’s hyper-connected, always-on era of pervasive mobility, cloud :
: computing and intelligent connected devices, virtually every step we take, :
: every transaction we initiate, and every interaction we have are supported :
: in some way by this vast global infrastructure. This set of interconnected :
: systems comprises the fundamental building blocks of the second economy – :
: the very foundation of our first economy. And adversaries, whether :
: motivated by profit, principle or province, are singularly focused on :
: winning the race through a relentless portfolio of shifting attack vectors.:
: :
: The complexity and volume of these attacks are seemingly unstoppable. And, :
: while the significant financial risk for compromised organizations is very :
: real, the larger and more insidious threat rests with the erosion of the :
: hard-earned trust of customers and other stakeholders. A foundational :
: element of the actual economy, trust, once lost, is not easily recaptured. :
: When it is shaken through a breach, seconds matter. To successfully compete:
: against more sophisticated adversaries and protect their organizations, IT :
: security professionals must take a second look at established security :
: notions and challenge their thinking. Being second to none in this fight is:
: essential, as the effectiveness and ROI of security solutions are :
: increasingly measured by the business outcomes they enable. :
: :
: Offering a practical prescription for both private and public organizations:
: to remediate threats and maintain a competitive pace, The Second Economy is:
: a must read for those who endeavor to lead and thrive in an ever-shifting :
: environment. Make no mistake about it, we are running a race. This is a :
: race against a faceless, nameless adversary – one that dictates the :
: starting line, the rules of the road, and what trophies are at stake. :
: Established assumptions must be challenged, strategies must be revised, and:
: long-held practices must be upended to run this race and effectively :
: compete in The Second Economy. :
: :
: :
. :
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