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Full Version: Tshirtecommerce addon -Groupon and Campaign
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What's Campaign and Groupon

Campaign and Groupon is a system which allow designer register, open a store and sale product with Groupon on your website.

Design a product, creating a campaign.
Add info product with title, description, tags, url
Setup brokerage fee for product ( profit on each product)
Setup period for campaign
Advertising, marketing
ads, share, email
Price of product will be discount by the quantity of product sold out. When customer purchase the first time, they will prepaid from 10- 100% ( depend on admin config) basic value. After campaign finish, system will send final price to each customer’s email. Customer will pay the remain money to buy product.

Example for brokerage fee setup: $1/sold

Quantity 1-5 6-10 11-30 31-50 51-70 > 70
Basic Price $32 $30 $28 $25 $20 $15
Sale Price $33 $31 $29 $26 $21 $16
Receiving money from each campaign

Admin shop

Check design: Allow or not allow designer sell design
Campaign finish
Manufacturing product
Shipping to customer
Pay brokerage fee for designer

But it need a license Key
can you please re-upload it
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Bump for latest. Thanks in advance
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