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The Orgasm Answer Guide answers common questions many people have about one of life's most fascinating experiences.

In an accessible question-and-answer format, four of the world's leading sexuality experts address every aspect of orgasms: how they happen, why they don’t, and what can be done to enhance sexual experiences. The authors provide clear and informed answers to more than 80 common questions, including:

• Can an orgasm cause a heart attack?• Does childbirth affect orgasm?• What is the G spot?• How can I tell whether my partner is faking an orgasm?• Do orgasms end at a certain age?

The all-star author team includes neuroscientist Barry R. Komisaruk, bestselling author and sexual health researcher Beverly Whipple, BBC sexuality talk-show host Sara Nasserzadeh, and Mexico’s leading sex researcher, Carlos Beyer-Flores.

Credible, readable, and easy to follow, The Orgasm Answer Guide tells you everything you ever wanted to know... but were afraid to ask.

thanks again
Remember that commercial "You've got questions, we've got answers". I wonder if they were talking about this book.:) Thank for the share.
Thank you. Reps+ added ...
re-up request

This sounds hot please text or phone me details on #44 07932644923

another re-up for this one

Another great share
Can I get a re-up??
Pages: 1 2
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