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Full Version: [GET] Make up to 1000 usd a day from this method. 100% legal, proved and actually working
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Pages: 1 2
Great share thanks +5rep
Thanks for the share. I will have a look at this one. Cheers! Rep on the way.
Good one but the heart of the system is not included, the core Excel sheet is priced at 30$.
the teacher calls himself an "auther"
[quote='projectenshine' pid='1893796' dateline='1478628959']
Good one but the heart of the system is not included, the core Excel sheet is priced at 30$.

Where do you know that from?
I couldn't find any information about the excel spreadsheet!
Thanks for sharing! Rep!
Thank you @Les Chiens De Guerre
The spreadsheet is included, for free. I just downloaded it and it works fine.

That said, I'm sure you could get a FULL REFUND of what you paid for the course.

Oh wait, that's right. It was free. Mad Slap
Any new free coupon please?
Pages: 1 2
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