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Need nullify it. Someone is qualified?
1. \application\modules\admin\controllers\purchase_core.php
change this--> if($result==1)
with this --> if($result==0)
2. \system\helpers\dbcbase_helper.php Line :913 or 942
change this--> $CI = get_instance();
with this --> $CI = get_instance();
(11-06-2016 03:01 AM)theyellow Wrote: [ -> ]1. \application\modules\admin\controllers\purchase_core.php
change this--> if($result==1)
with this --> if($result==0)
2. \system\helpers\dbcbase_helper.php Line :913 or 942
change this--> $CI = get_instance();
with this --> $CI = get_instance();
sorry...wrong script MY MISTAKE
this is for salajim real estate portal script