hi everyone, struggling to get any decent traffic to my site
can anyone help me?
either tell me an effective way to promote my site (free or cheap)
or help me with a boost of backlinks or social shares would help me take off i think
anything at all would help but i know its not a small task to get a lot of traffic
any help or feedback is very welcome and thanks for reading
Well, without looking at your site, if you want organic just compare to your niche and make sure it's set up correctly.
Other than that, it's going to be paid. So then decide if you want FB ads traffic or PPC, PPV or CPA. You can get CPA pretty cheapy at less than buck/1m if you can build campaigns and optimize. But learn about the different aspects of PPC. It all depends on the product you're trying to promote though and if its conversions are worth the ROI. Good luck to you.
IC360, (max reps for the suggestions) was wondering if you could be more specific when you said "CPA pretty cheapy at less than buck/1M" where would one go to get THAT kind of traffic?
You can try posting about your website in facebook groups.
not really the kind of help i was asking for lol.. i mean help me get traffic not suggest i pay for ads or something
thanks for the suggestions but facebook group posting doesnt seem to work for anything lol been posting to groups with like 25 websites for around 2 years and barely get any real traffic from it, usually post to around 300 groups blocked on facebook for around 16 days then the same crap again lol.. waste of time from my point of view im getting nothing from it
as for getting CPA pretty cheapy at less than buck/1m how do i do that ive never seen anywhere that does advertising for less than $5 for around 8000
Social sites can be the best way to drive traffic to your site. Go for it ! :)
indeed they can they can also be massive moneymakers from adsense and other advertisers or sell your own ads etc etc.
the problem for me is getting it to take off like some other people have got their sites/pages to just rocket off into mars with tons of likes and stuff lol
i have recently been trying a few new ideas i have and they seem to be doing ok, although its still not perfect im working on it.
hopefully my site will get around 5k per day soon but im still a fair bit off that mark
anyone have any tips? ideas? suggestions?