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Full Version: How to make $200 a day from YouTube with OTHER PEOPLE'S CONTENT Nathan Hague
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Course lecture on how to make $200 a day from YouTube with OTHER PEOPLE'S CONTENT... now uploaded!!!!!
Buy the course NOW as when i get home in a few hours, it's going from $47 to $399.

This looks interesting. Would love to have this too.
Price has gone up.

Thing is that most of the course seems to be usual youtube stuff - how to setup videos, video SEO, etc.

If you watched the primer / intro video he published in relation to the $200/day thing he mentioned, he basically found some kinda redirect/hack/link cloaker/whatever that allowed him to sign into youtube, add someone else's video to a "Favorites" playlist, then have that video auto-posted to your social media profiles.

When someone clicked on the post on say your FB fanpage, it'd bring up a darked-out page with someone else's youtube video. Below it would be a button with your call-to-action linking to your sales page (or affiliate link or whatever). And if you hit "X" to close the video, the visitor lands on your sales page or affiliate link.

Cool automation feature, but it seems that it's only gonna work if you already have a large social media following and can get organic distribution.

Meaning if you wanted to use this for affiliate marketing starting from scratch, you'd have to build say a huge FB fanpage following before employing this method.

Thing is that then you're at the mercy of the context of the social media channel. Fanpages get horrid organic reach. Tweets have really short shelf-life. etc

I don't think it actually does anything within youtube itself - it just lets you repurpose youtube content.

At least that's how it seemed. I was gonna PM Nathan to ask, but missed the price hike deadline.
(11-04-2016 10:51 PM)noob14 Wrote: [ -> ]Price has gone up.

Thing is that most of the course seems to be usual youtube stuff - how to setup videos, video SEO, etc.

If you watched the primer / intro video he published in relation to the $200/day thing he mentioned, he basically found some kinda redirect/hack/link cloaker/whatever that allowed him to sign into youtube, add someone else's video to a "Favorites" playlist, then have that video auto-posted to your social media profiles.

When someone clicked on the post on say your FB fanpage, it'd bring up a darked-out page with someone else's youtube video. Below it would be a button with your call-to-action linking to your sales page (or affiliate link or whatever). And if you hit "X" to close the video, the visitor lands on your sales page or affiliate link.

Cool automation feature, but it seems that it's only gonna work if you already have a large social media following and can get organic distribution.

Meaning if you wanted to use this for affiliate marketing starting from scratch, you'd have to build say a huge FB fanpage following before employing this method.

Thing is that then you're at the mercy of the context of the social media channel. Fanpages get horrid organic reach. Tweets have really short shelf-life. etc

I don't think it actually does anything within youtube itself - it just lets you repurpose youtube content.

At least that's how it seemed. I was gonna PM Nathan to ask, but missed the price hike deadline.

You now have few hours to get Nathan stuff at 47 dollars . Just few hours left
I would be interested in this and his upcoming facebook marketing course as well
hmmm... sounds kinda black hat.... i'd rather do it 1x and let it run long term without any worries...
looks good!
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