I bought the FE today.
Looks to be good.
It's in 6 parts, plus the Bonus Case Study.
10 Videos Total.
Videos on Vimeo, will watch them this weekend and rip them and share unless someone beats me to it.
Awesome! Thanks hobbynobby. Looking forward to it!
(11-05-2016 10:16 AM)spartinator Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome! Thanks hobbynobby. Looking forward to it!
DITTO ... already repd you +++++ for encouragement

@hobbynobby, reps to you in advanced +++++ many thanks
Maybe with our reps we can get the course now so we can review over the weekend! :)
Wow great of you to buy it hobby and hopefully share it with us. Thanks for you efforts. Reps.
Rep'd you already. Thanks for your work on this.