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Full Version: [SUPER HOT] and Electrifying Business for DE, AT, IT
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HOT and 'ELECTRIFYING' BizOpp. for Europeans!

Product: Everyone has it! Everyone need it! Every day!
Cost: 0,00 Nothing! In fact, it's all about saving money!

Seems to good to be true? No!

It's about Energy: Electricity and Gas - for private and corporate customers

Company and Energy Group: Rock solid (I personally know one of the Managing Directors, bcz I worked with him 15 years ago.)
The Energy Group is a well established market leader in a western EU country.
Distribution: Cane be done 100% online but also in direct marketing (face to face).
Market potential: European Union (750M) - at first step. The potential is huge because the success rate for real energyprice reductions - only in the private segment - is about 98%!!)

The average energy-cost savings in Germany for a single houshold is about 20-30% !!! Up to 50%!. Think about the comming E-mobility ..
Cooperations between energy network operators, providers and distributors makes it possible, to achieve virtually non competitive price ranges.
The change of the energy-provider is now very easy and is done online with a few mouseclicks.

What you need: A landingpage and a mindset like Thomas A. Edison
Earning potential: More than WOWWW .. A real passive Income

Launch: 01.December 2016 in Germany. Austria already launched. Next Italy in 2017 .. and so on

[Image: e330db3a27.jpg]

It's not strictly for Europeans sales partners only.
In principle, one could also work as a non-EU citizen, but customers can only be EU citizens at first step.
if you don't have connections to EU or speak one of their languages - it makes no sense ..

Nothing more to say.. if you know how to do business online or even direct ..

For more about - PM me, but serious requests only.
Please tell: where are you from?
Which languages do you speak/support?
This is one shit hot market
So is the competition
Better not to tie yourself to one company

A price comparison site maybe. though to be honest there are some huge players in this market
The money is great. but unless you are a very good marketer
Better to look at something easier
Competition is mostly welcome .. to compare :) and yes the game is already played by a huge player
"has private messaging disabled. You cannot send private messages to this user."

Please enable PM!
PM's already enabled
looked interesting..please tell me more.

@mitpapgr - has reached their private message quota so your message could not be sent.
Please fix it
@rubytum has reached their private message quota so your message could not be sent.
please fix
send me more details by pm please
(11-07-2016 07:46 AM)krypt Wrote: [ -> ]send me more details by pm please

just sent you a PM
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