Take this Course to learn C++ which you can use for Ethical Hacking, Game Development, and most Software you use daily!
Instructed by Ermin Kreponic
Published 12/2016
[quote='xness' pid='1901915' dateline='1479320144']
thanks, rep addded
[quote='truonghoaithanhcm' pid='1902235' dateline='1479347097']
Thank you very much!
Enjoy the Course 'xness' and 'truonghoaithanhcm'.
Gift +Reps.

Yeah, thank you, 'Extrno'. Do you have some coupon to study Korean language on Udemy? If you have, please share with me. Thank you!
Extraño, again

+ Rep!
Any new coupon for this one?
Yes, here is the new coupon - https://www.udemy.com/learn-c-plus-plus-from-beginner-to-advanced/?couponCode=WOO060316
Thank You so much Buddy :))
[quote='CoderProg' pid='2008506' dateline='1488383036']
Yes, here is the new coupon - https://www.udemy.com/learn-c-plus-plus-from-beginner-to-advanced/?couponCode=WOO060316
Thank you CoderProg, +5 rep added!