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Full Version: [GET] Health Profits Academy by Buck Rizvi - $2999
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Awesome charlie Brown I will dl it when I get home
(02-21-2018 04:35 AM)CharlieBrown Wrote: [ -> ]Here is the link. Please transfer to your MEGA before downloading.

+ reps always appreciated to show thanks!

Many thanks and max reps given!!
You are more than great ChatlieBrown, super thanks and repped
Thanks Charlie Brown and Repped!!
Thanks +Reps added
(02-21-2018 04:35 AM)CharlieBrown Wrote: [ -> ]Here is the link. Please transfer to your MEGA before downloading.

+ reps always appreciated to show thanks!

Thanks +5 reps added.
Thanks, Charlie. reps added.
Thanks CharlieBrown! Reps added

Can anyone split the the file into 2?
Mega has a 5GB limit?
Many thanks to CharlieBrown for sharing.
Max REPS added. Thanks

(02-21-2018 10:36 AM)topaff Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks CharlieBrown! Reps added

Can anyone split the the file into 2?
Mega has a 5GB limit?

Even with a Free account from MEGA you can download files larger than 5 GB.
Use a Chrome Browser.
When you go to download the Health Profits Academy 9.28 GB file on MEGA, first download and install the free MEGA Desktop App.

Once that is accomplished then start the download of the Health Profits Academy file using the MEGA Desktop App.
After 5 GB, the download will stop (pause) and you will be
informed that because you have a free account you will have to
wait a period of time, say 1 hour, before you can download again.

After you wait that period of time, once again reinitiate the download of the Health Profits Academy file using the MEGA Desktop App.
The download of the Health Profits Academy file will then continue where it had left off until the file has been completely downloaded.
I hope that helps. Happydance
Thank You CharlieBrown for your invaluable share.Rep+ added.You don't have a clue how much of a great share it means to me.

Warmest Regards
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