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Full Version: [GET] End Auto Anxiety No Fear Car Repair and Maintenance for Busy Women
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If you want to find out how to save money on auto repairs and become a proud member of the 200,000 mile club, you need to read this book!

Most women don't pay enough attention to the condition of their car. Can you blame them? Accding to society's gender roles, fixing cars is a man's job.

Cooking used to be seen as a woman's job. Times changed. If a handsome man made you a delicious pasta dinner, would you object? Buy "End Auto Anxiety" and discover:

* 6 Mistakes Some Mechanics Make
* What to Do When Your Car Breaks Down
* Why You Should Never Ask for a Tune Up
* 14 Things Smart Drivers Keep in Their Car
* How to Be Mindful of Your Vehicle's Needs
* 5 Things You Shouldn't Say to a Mechanic
* 5 Common Causes of the Check Engine Light
* 7 Simple but Effective Ways to Save Money on Gas
* 5 Ways Working on Cars Taught Me to Be a Strong Woman

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