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Full Version: [NEW]Instagram bot v1.2.3
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Hi guys! This is a version of Instagram bot with UI, written on C#. Works without the new Instagram api (the new review process).
[Image: 687474703a2f2f6c696f6e73637261796f6e732e...322e706e67]

The python version Instagram-API-python and make user friendly UI for it. Yes users, that have many difficulties with console and writing code.
In this time there is no open source, any you should use it AS-IS.
All of your data storage local (encrypted), and send ONLY to Instagram by https.
This project will develop, provided YOUR interest in it.
Whats new in 1.2.3?
1) Add new checkbox "Don't unfollow if user follow you". If check it (only on full version) - bot will check user for your friendship. If true - don't unfollow him, if false - unfollow him.
2) Bug fix.

Be sure comments.dat file have UTF-8 encoding.

here is the virus scan

Detection ratio: 0 / 68
Analysis date: 2016-10-26 07:13:38 UTC ( 0 minutes ago )
Hi thanks for the share.. reps++ added,i have no idea how to use this..can u or anyone pls post the tutorials links or any blog on how to use this...
request premium account to download this file, please share free
enter captcha on the left for free download
To use the software put in your user name and password click login,then choose any function you want it to perform-likes,follow,etc.Goodluck
premium access hope can share in mega share or zippy share..
Thats cuuute :p
beware guys
it is not premium-on the right there is a word -
Don't have Premium account?

enter numbers into the box,then you get access
There's no captcha ..., the page not exist, and the url you gave us redirects to depfile home
Here is a zippy mirror I Have tested this and it works brilliantly! Reps Added
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