There's a ton of books that explain how to hit people effectively and/or defend yourself, but far fewer books that explain how to be completely aware of your environment, which is even more important if you prefer to avoid violent confrontation. This is one such book. Enjoy.
No sales page - just ebook
You can find the book on amazon, just highlight the title and google it. Its a author is Rory Christensen and was 1st published in 2014.

You can find this book on amazon, just google the title. The author is Rory Christensen and was 1st published in 2014.
(10-26-2016 04:52 PM)markom970 Wrote: [ -> ] (10-26-2016 03:17 PM)Kryptyk Wrote: [ -> ]No sales page - just ebook
What's your problem freakoid - I only have the ebook. Not hard to understand, is it?