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Full Version: [REQ] The Off1ine Socia1 Lead Machine
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Pages: 1 2
Got this from Luther Landro this morning. His stuff is usually good I think. Any chance someone can share it? I can't buy from him any more due to beinh blocked from his forum for something (I don't know what) he got really pissed off at me.

Looks good.. bump for this...
This not from Luther, although it looks like some of his stuff,
the OP is Edward Armstrong, I think he is new, but product looks good,
hopefully someone will share.
(10-24-2016 12:21 AM)wingnut2 Wrote: [ -> ]Got this from Luther Landro this morning. His stuff is usually good I think. Any chance someone can share it? I can't buy from him any more due to beinh blocked from his forum for something (I don't know what) he got really pissed off at me.


Found couple of other pages if it helps:


bump for it
Bumpity bump.
If anyone plans to buy it or access it, get the FE and OTO 1 only. Bump this.
Luther has helped his student to launch this product ($2500 deposit he mentioned in every course of his , luthers high ticket service) ..similar to Eric Dimi hence product funnel and sales letters are completely simple and similar to his style.

Basically Luther prefer VSL while his student uses sales letter (mostly)...
bump for it
Can anyone please share this?
Pages: 1 2
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