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You are often told that eating less and exercising more are the keys to losing weight, but even with multiple plans and temporary successes, do you fail to find lasting results? Renowned fitness expert and New York Times bestselling author Yuri Elkaim provides the key to continuous fat burning in The All-Day Fat-Burning Diet. In this new book, Elkaim presents his unique 5-Day Food-Cycling Formula, which sets your metabolism to lose up to 5 pounds a week.

In The All-Day Fat-Burning Diet, Elkaim reveals rarely discussed "fat triggers" and an easy, innovative way to double your weight loss in 3 weeks. Based on a powerhouse blend of nutritional expertise, fitness experience, and cutting-edge research, his 4-part approach features the strategic cycling of calories and carbohydrates; a "clean and lean" food plan that reduces fat triggers in your body; a unique way to exercise smarter, not harder; and the method to improve your body's ability to repair and avoid burnout. The book also includes encouraging testimonials and remarkable photos of people who have successfully accelerated their metabolisms for life. This proven program will reset your body to your desired factory settings and supercharge your metabolism to burn fat on autopilot-no matter what your age, fitness level, or health status.

Thank you for sharing. Much appreciated. Repped.
Thanks +Reps Added
nice share reps added
Another quality health share Thanks
Looks like a pretty good read Thanks
thanks for share
Thanks for the effort, but link is dead. Please re-up
(02-14-2018 05:34 AM)hlambrec Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the effort, but link is dead. Please re-up

here you go

Thanks for the new link StillStanding. If there was a "King of the Reups." You certainly would hold that title.:)
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