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Full Version: [JV] SEO ( Google / Gmaps / YT ) I have Large PBN
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I have a very large and powerful pbn

Looking for someone who wants to JV anything SEO related.

It could be contacting local businesses selling our ranking service. Or, we could use the PBN for ourselves to either rank in google, gmaps, or youtube. I am looking to JV with someone who doesn't F*** around and waste time. This is a powerful PBN i've built and I want to be able to pump sites out daily ( or get a lot of clients )

Local biz rankings.
Video rankings.
Google maps rankings.

Could pump out amazon/etsy stores and rank them extremely well easily with the pbn. Lots of options and I am open for anything.
Pm me your skype. Got something for you :)
pm'ed you my skype
If you want to sell PBN backlinks , please do let me know , i can get clients for backlinks ...
(10-23-2016 12:44 AM)rh619 Wrote: [ -> ]If you want to sell PBN backlinks , please do let me know , i can get clients for backlinks ...

yes, but I don't just want to sell backlinks as a service. Its much more lucrative getting local business clients and selling them ranking services. Can make monthly residual income from them instead of a 1 off payment selling on forum an such.
I am interested,please send me details.
I'm interested to see what results you can get. If you could send any details that'd be great.

(10-22-2016 10:36 AM)sourdiesel87 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey,

I have a very large and powerful pbn

Looking for someone who wants to JV anything SEO related.

It could be contacting local businesses selling our ranking service. Or, we could use the PBN for ourselves to either rank in google, gmaps, or youtube. I am looking to JV with someone who doesn't F*** around and waste time. This is a powerful PBN i've built and I want to be able to pump sites out daily ( or get a lot of clients )

Local biz rankings.
Video rankings.
Google maps rankings.

Could pump out amazon/etsy stores and rank them extremely well easily with the pbn. Lots of options and I am open for anything.

Pm your Skype ID.
okay, pm'ed.
(10-24-2016 04:23 PM)juicyt Wrote: [ -> ]I'm interested to see what results you can get. If you could send any details that'd be great.

I'm interested as well, please send me details
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