10-18-2016, 09:48 PM
SUMO Reward Points is a Complete WooCommerce Loyalty Reward Points System. Reward your Customers using Reward Points for Product Purchase, Writing Reviews, Sign up, Referrals, Social Promotion (Facebook like, Facebook share, Twitter tweet, Google+ share and >>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<<) on your site etc. The earned Reward Points can be redeemed for future purchases. SUMO Reward Points offers the flexibility to offer reward points at Product Level, Category Level and Global Level. SUMO Reward Points supports simple, simple subscription, variable and variable subscription products. It supports Fixed Reward Points for Product purchase or Reward by Percentage of the Product Price. Coupon should be enabled in WooCommerce for SUMO Reward Points Plugin to work.
Reward Point Conversion Settings available for Earning Reward Points and Redeeming Reward Points. Also Maximum Redeeming Points in Cart can be set in the Settings Page.SUMO Reward Points is WPML Compatible and Translate Ready
Sale page: https://codecanyon.net/item/sumo-reward-...em/7791451