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Full Version: [GET] Commission Cartel - Michael Cheney
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No luck with links. Could someone re-up please? Thanks.
Thanks Very much appreciated. Max Reps Added
Thank you for the share MisterY + rep!
Any reviews? All the big JV Zoo guys are promoting this!

[Image: ea7b9c6642.png]
(10-13-2016 06:57 AM)ManifestDestiny Wrote: [ -> ]Any reviews? All the big JV Zoo guys are promoting this!

Go REVIEW it yourself instead of waiting Mad Slap
Thank you MisterY
Thank you for sharing. I appreciate this very much. Repped.
I've liked Michael Cheney for his previous offerings. We'll see how this offering works out.

The material has very similar material to what most of us are familiar with, affiliate marketing by doing reviews, email autoresponder chains, etc. All very valid stuff.

But how about traffic, especially if you don't have a list? Like they keep harping on in the sales copy???

This is a very clever promotion.
For Cheney and his promoters...

They do give a good percentage of decent material in the downloaded training materials but save the "KEY" strategies for traffic and for a "live call" where these new buyers get sold to for an hour+. What do you want to bet that there will be high priced upsells available afterword? I'll find out, because I'm already signed up.
(This is how you learn - you see how "names" like Cheney feed their funnels)

Direct quote:
You're gonna need a little traffic to make money with the methods I'm about to share with you.
So make sure you attend the Live Commission Cartel Orientation Call where you'll discover a little-known way to get thousands of free leads to your affiliate offers – Click Here to Attend. (sign-up page says it is in a week from now...)
This Live Call contains critical info not covered in this training, including the ONLY WAY left for the little guy to get rich online, a unique strategy on how to make $1000 commissions a day, and how to get tons of free prospects you can put your affiliate offers in front of.

Mirrors via Zippy:
Magic Button :
   -----   OR these below:

Just link the 3 files together with 7zip and use our favorite password to open.
Please make additional mirrors.  Hard to beat zippy.  You can simutaneously download the files, and they are relatively fast.

Have a good week.

Thanks great share....
thank you misterY! +max reps
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