I'm getting daily email messages about this system and a little surprised that it doesn't seem to have anything about it on this fantastic site? ( I did do a search)
Be great to get any feedback on anyone that has seen it or even better if one of the superstars of this site could provide a link?
Really love to know if this is as awesome as it sounds or just a very well hyped product?
Thanks for that GladiatorX, I had seen all the sales and promotional stuff what I was asking was if anyone on here had seen the actual content and had any thoughts?
Obviously if someone had a link to download the content then that would be awesome

That system will cost u man
I am for quite some time interested in this product. I looked and for now didn't manage to find it anywhere for download. Price of $60 is not that much. I was thinking of purchasing. In worst case if it is lame I can ask for refund.
If each of us would at least give $10 it would be even better. I was even thinking on GB but this is no place for such of products.
If someone interested send me PM and we can arrange splitting cost.I can purchase and share access.
(10-12-2016 08:50 PM)AmazingHulk Wrote: [ -> ]I am for quite some time interested in this product. I looked and for now didn't manage to find it anywhere for download. Price of $60 is not that much. I was thinking of purchasing. In worst case if it is lame I can ask for refund.
If each of us would at least give $10 it would be even better. I was even thinking on GB but this is no place for such of products.
If someone interested send me PM and we can arrange splitting cost.I can purchase and share access.
There's exchange/trading going on on reddit r/PickUpTorrents/
check it out.
I've shared this before. Enjoy.