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9 Cancer Cures You Might Want to Know!

1. Turmeric -- Most turmeric sold in America suffers from high lead content and a high count of microbes. By purchasing cheap turmeric, you could actually be increasing the heavy metal toxins and bacteria that you consume, driving cancer cells. Do the exact opposite! Find an organic turmeric tincture that contains the phytonutrient curcumin, and you can build natural immunity.

2. Hemp seed oil -- Cold-pressing the seed of the Cannabis sativa (hemp plant) produces a very important oil that is legally purchased in the United States at health food stores across the nation! It's very high in essential fatty acid content, and it does NOT contain the psychoactive THC ingredient used by people who smoke pot. A member of the achene family of fruits, it's regarded as a "superfood" due to its unique ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 essential fatty acids and contains up to 5% pure GLA, which is even higher than in spirulina. For thousands of years, hemp seed oil has been used in elixirs and medicinal teas to provide anti-mutagenic action which prevents genetic damage by free radicals and/or radiation. You probably won't see banners about it at the "pink" ribbon march or "walk for the cure."

3. Reishi mushrooms -- You won't find reishi on salads at restaurants or packaged at your typical conventional grocer. Go to health food stores and check the supplements and dried powders, usually sold as capsules. Reishi have been used to treat countless ailments in the Far East for over two millennia. In China, they're called the "Mushrooms of Immortality." Reishi are meant for long-term consumption and have been linked to reduced blood pressure and improved nerve function and stamina! You might treat cancer and diabetes with reishi mushroom, just don't tell the hospital administrators or your local newspaper that it worked so well, or they might have to report you to the Medical Mafia. When you start talking about important polysaccharides and saponins that decrease cell proliferation in cancerous lungs, the oncologists' cash registers stop ringing and they send you home to LIVE!

4. Melatonin -- Hello, scavengers of free radicals! Did you know that you can combat free-radical damage WHILE you sleep? It's true. Since its discovery over 50 years ago, melatonin has demonstrated itself as a functionally diverse molecule with antioxidant properties. A vast amount of experimental research has revealed its vital role in the body's defense against numerous cell-damaging free radicals because it possesses 200% more antioxidant power than vitamin E. Melatonin reduces oxidative damage and has been found to be superior to glutathione and vitamins C and E. It fights free-radical-related diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancer. It's true that the body naturally produces melatonin in the brain, but if you're diabetic, borderline diabetic or over the age of 55, it's common to need supplementation. Ask your naturopath!

5. Real spring water without added fluoride (with average pH level of 8.8!) -- If you're fighting cancer, you most likely are in desperation to adjust your body's pH. Nearly every nutritionist on the planet would tell you to eat plenty of raw organic vegetables and fruits and consume lots of water -- and it better be real spring water to help alkalize the body.

6. Baking soda -- Yes, the cheap kind that you find in most stores! Simply put a teaspoon in a glass of water daily and help alkalize your system so cancer can't even survive if it wanted to. Cancer cannot survive when your cells have plenty of oxygen and your body is not acidic. The baking soda is so simple that you'll never hear this advice from the mouth of an MD or oncologist, because the AMA/FDA/FTC will come shut them down. There's no money for the mafia-style medical establishment in selling baking soda and the formula for killing cancer.

7. Organic garlic cloves -- Beat down the pathogens thanks to over 200 biologically active components! There is a special enzyme that the "bad guys" (mutated cells) use to multiply, and it's called "ornithine decarboxylase." You could block this enzyme and cut off the enemy's "supply lines." How much easier would it be to beat cancer if cancer cells had NO fuel?!

8. Apricot seed kernels -- The apricot seed "cyanide" controversy foolishly obscures an effective alternative cancer cure. Thousands of people have used apricot seeds to eliminate cancer without negative side effects. What if the "cyanide" from myths that scare you are really referring to the kind that KILLS CANCER and NOT you? Don't let the medical mafia scare you away from longevity!

9. Cannabis sativa -- The "Father of Chinese Medicine" discovered the healing properties of marijuana in 2700 BC. Throughout history, the ancient Egyptians, Persians and even Greek civilizations used medical cannabis. Mainstream medicine in the USA is very slow to recognize this because the DEA absurdly classifies it as a Schedule I narcotic, scaring off would-be patients and doctors.

Good info. Reps added
Thanks for the cancer article StillStanding
Thanks -StillStanding- for the great article. Reps added of course

Download a pdf of StillStanding's article for easy printing....
Magic Button :

It is so easy for anyone to check out these methods. I've had a friend who treated colon cancer with apricot seed kernels. (Seven years ago - talked to him today asking if it was ok to mention his case) After two months he went back to the two separate doctors who said he was terminal. They said some error must have been made because he should be dead already. (what else could they say...?)

IMO, more people die of the "cure" for cancer - radiation and chemo - than actually die from the cancer they are being treated for.

Remember, we are on a Death Planet. No one born here has ever gotten out alive. More reason to make a difference while you're here. Cancer comes and goes in everyone's body all the time. If you do stupid things too often, the cancer can win. It is a constant battle, not dissimilar to the battle of good and evil we all see every day in every other aspect of our lives.

Again, some of these comments are absolute facts, and some of them my opinion. It can't hurt to have trust issues when people in white coats want to take your life's earnings because they benefit and they want you to "trust them". With no guarantees that they actually have the solution anyway.

Have a good week.


[Image: willner_banner1.jpg]
thx for pdf and nice post, reps added.
Great cancer info SS Thanks
Great info about cancer, thanks for the share.
Nice concise article about natural cancer cures...Thanks
do you believe everything you read on the internet? especially from a dope head? lol you have a few cures and a few lies in the above list of 9 'cures'. every politician and crooked salesman knows, 'you mix truth and lies then pray a sucker buys'

as said above, and very true, more people die of the "cure" for cancer - radiation and chemo - than actually die from the cancer they are being treated for. very well done
[Image: brain2.jpg]
the same is true with dope, p.s. it is called dope for a reason, dope makes some people feel better, as the 'father of chinese medicine' actually claimed. never, outside the minds of dopeheads is dope, pot, ganja, mary-j, whatever name you choose, ever a cure for anythings, it even helps make you fat, lol
[Image: 16pfbHA.jpg]
it actually causes cancer, not the other way around. so be very careful with 'medical' advice from a dope who smokes dope. for example, before the little blue pill, that helped men with erectile dysfunction, dope was said to help men in this area as well, often by the same dopeheads, note that the same people always claim, the father of chinese medicine said so. this lie is often used to support their lies. not until recently has science proven otherwise, dope promotes e.d., erectile dysfunction. or you can ask any dopehead, male or female, when they are not high, lol. if they are high, they may say everything feels better, thus the confusion. again, you may feel better, that is all, it actually makes you sick and it does kill brain cells. some of you do not have many fully functional brain cells to begin with, you need to keep the ones you have healthy.
[Image: myth1_03.jpg]
there was a time not long ago, when people claimed smoking cigarettes was good for you. more dopes if you ask me, lol. what you may not know is, evil drug companies even sold cigars because they were 'good' for you. fake scientists always claim lies like these are true, see the name of the cigar below. when ever someone is trying to selling you something, it is always 'good' for you. do not believe liars like that
[Image: 30-3055-QK9DF00Z.jpg]

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