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Web 2.0 Directory plugin provides an ability to build any kind of business directory site: classifieds, events directory, cars, bikes, boats and other vehicles dealers site, pets, real estate portal, wedding site, yellow pages, local directories, listings on the map.
Wordpress directory plugin for any needs.

Quote:Version 1.12.7
- new setting: restriction of autocomplete address fields for the default country
- new setting: show/hide listings number
- new feature: allow custom contact emails for listings. Users may set up custom contact email for each listing, otherwise messages will be sent directly to authors emails.
- improvement: ability to export listings data including locations fields using WP All Import plugin
- new setting: custom email for notifications to admin and in "From" field
- new feature: notification to author about successful listing approval
- new feature: notification of claim decline
- new feature: notification of paid invoice
- improvement: preset values for search fields, show/hide search fields in search form shortcode. Look at examples
- improvement: ability to import locations and sublocations with listings in CSV file
- improvement: importing rules for addresses was changed. Now import only 2 address fields: address line 1 and address line 2.
- improvement: import images titles with images in CSV file
- improvement: import YouTube videos links in CSV file
- improvement: import link text as well as link URL into website content field in CSV file
- improvement: import opening hours data into content field in CSV file


Magic Button :


Magic Button :
Is there any person who has access to the update and would like to share it?
Version 2.0.7 - February 27, 2018

Actual Changelog
Magic Button :
Version 2.0.7 - February 27, 2018
- improvement: suspend expired listings function calls only by scheduled events
- bug fix: categories table RTL layout
- bug fix: map marker info window on touchscreens did not open

Version 2.0.6 - February 24, 2018
- bug fix: Visual Composer broken output in some components settings

Version 2.0.5 - February 21, 2018
- bug fix: address search autocomplete menu combobox
- bug fix: keywords search issue
- bug fix: post categories blank page

Version 2.0.4 - February 20, 2018
- bug fix: map moved randomly on 'On map' button click

Version 2.0.3 - February 19, 2018
- bug fix: server Google API key setting was returned

Version 2.0.2 - February 16, 2018
- CSS styles fixes

Version 2.0.1 - February 15, 2018
- improvement: settings framework styles files path was refactored
- bug fix: inactive comments and contact form tabs on listings

Version 2.0.0 - February 15, 2018
- full redesign and SASS files included
- new feature: sell packages of listings (WooCommerce is not required now)
- new feature: auto-change level after expiration
- new feature: 7 new widgets: buttons, categories table, locations table, listings, map, slider, listings levels
- new feature: categories and locations dropdowns menus on a search form
- new feature: search and listings panel on maps
- new feature: search by keywords in categories
- new feature: new frontend images uploader
- new feature: add featured images for categories and locations items
- new feature: compatible with Page Builder by SiteOrigin
- improvement: compatible with Contact Form 7 plugin version 5.0
- new setting: hide choose level page
- new setting: primary color
- new setting: secondary color
- deprecated: categories and locations table colors customization settings
- bug fix: map zoom and drag and drop problem
- bug fix: listing activation before payment
- bug fix: expiration date unavailable to be modified

Version 1.14.15 - October 15, 2017
- bug fix: problem with 3 characters of unexpected output during activation
- bug fix: problem with and special characters in categories CSV import
- bug fix: set up default directory ID for all old listings

Version 1.14.14 - October 4, 2017
- improvement: latest version of Stripe library
- bug fix: select icon option for locations terms
- bug fix: undefined offset: 1 in w2dc.php on line 616 error

Version 1.14.13 - September 29, 2017
- bug fix: call to a member function getDefaultDirectory() on a non-object error

Version 1.14.12 - September 26, 2017
- bug fix: undefined method w2dc_item_listing::getItemEditURL() in invoice.php

Version 1.14.11 - September 25, 2017
- new feature: directory=DIRECTORY_ID parameter for [webdirectory-listing-page] shortcode to build custom single listing pages for each directory
- new feature: directory=DIRECTORY_ID parameter for [webdirectory-submit] shortcode to build custom submission pages for each directory
- new setting: 2 modes for images listings logos on excerpt pages - cut image to fit width and height listing logo or full image listing logo
- new setting: customize opacity of search form background, in %
- new setting: switch on/off overlay on search form
- improvement: [link] placeholder in pre-expiration email notification to show a link to renew listing
- improvement: remove all wpautop filters from page formatting
- deprecated: submission steps circles

Version 1.14.10 - August 18, 2017
- new setting: notification about new invoice (built-in payments system)
- improvement: auto-login when user creates an account during listing submission
- improvement: adapted for new version of Google Maps API 3.29
- deprecated: social icons widget

Version 1.14.9 - August 8, 2017
- new feature: compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin
- improvement: active period property of listings levels was changed, now only one type of period can be selected (days, weeks, months, years). It was changed for compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions.
- improvement: added post status filter at the backend dashboard in Directory Listings table
- improvement: improvements in microdata markup
- new setting: show/hide listings views counter at the frontend
- bug fix: issue in the display of [webdirectory-breadcrumbs] and [webdirectory-term-description] shortcodes

Version 1.14.8 - July 17, 2017
- improvement: upgrade expired listing and activate it in the same time, users pay only for upgrade
- bug fix: double active period of listings when pay through WooCommerce payments system
- bug fix: problems with -custom.tpl.php templates
- bug fix: order listings by distance by default during search by radius

Version 1.14.7 - July 11, 2017
- improvement: now administrators and editors users roles can change any listings levels, even if upgrade was disabled in the settings
- new setting: prevent users to see media items of another users
- new setting: hide empty categories in search dropdown and categories menus
- new setting: hide empty locations in search dropdown and locations menus
- bug fix: automatically renew listings when user has available listings from WooCommerce package

Version 1.14.6 - June 1, 2017
- new feature: notification about new version of the plugin
- improvement: directory parameter for [webdirectory-levels-table] shortcode
- improvement: hide unnecessary sorting buttons in [webdirectory-listings] shortcode
- bug fix: errors on WooCommerce My Account page
- bug fix: errors on vc_before_init hook with Visual Composer

Version 1.14.5 - May 19, 2017
- new setting: overwrite WordPress page title by directory page title
- improvement: better support of multi-directory
- improvement: now http:// is not required to fill in for website content fields
- improvement: users can change their ratings given to listings anytime
- bug fix: listings packages WooCommerce product creation bug
- bug fix: taxes calculation in built-in payments system

Version 1.14.4 - May 9, 2017
- bug fix: pre expiration notification emails were sending every hour
- bug fix: empty email notifications settings fields after installation

Version 1.14.3 - May 6, 2017
- improvement: better support of multi-directory
- improvement: sidebar widgets follow selected listings directory or use auto definition
- improvement: ability to define specific locations for listings levels
- improvement: hide unnecessary sorting buttons at the frontend
- bug fix: WooCommerce listings products now virtual and downloadable, so shipping fields will not show on checkout and orders will be auto-completed
- bug fix: wrong number of listings in random sorting

Version 1.14.2 - April 20, 2017
- bug fix: directories table installation bug
- bug fix: level mismatch on submission page

Version 1.14.1 - April 17, 2017
- improvement: using WooCommerce on admin dashboard create new order directly without cart and checkout
- improvement: listings CSV export functionality uses fputcsv() function

Version 1.14.0 - April 14, 2017
- new feature: multi-directory support
- new feature: listings bulk update via CSV
- new feature: listings CSV export with listings images download option
- new feature: notification to admin about listing modification
- improvement: adapted for WooCommerce 3.0
- improvement: PHP7 compatibility
- improvement: listing info was added in WooCommerce order details at the backend
- new setting: Include directory JS and CSS files on all pages
- bug fix: unnecessary tags in HTML part of emails were removed

Version 1.13.5 - March 6, 2017
- improvement: do not duplicate listings in pagination requests when random sorting
- improvement: current location was added in directions route
- bug fix: fatal error: call to undefined function is_user_logged_in()
- bug fix: follow default sorting by search request when [webdirectory-search] and [webdirectory-listings] shortcodes were connected

Version 1.13.4 - February 15, 2017
- improvement in content fields, listings levels, locations levels for WPML String Translations
- improvement: adapted for noindex functionality of Yoast SEO plugin
- improvement: load listings by ajax call on search request on the index page when "Show listings on index page" is off
- improvement: new option for text string content fields - for mobile devices adds special phone tag when this field is used as phone number
- bug fix: available listings for users were not set after purcahse of WooCommerce packages
- bug fix: contact form "from" and "reply to" fields contain email of listing owner instead of sender
- bug fix: some email address formats are not supported for email fields
- bug fix: address field description was missed at the frontend dashboard

Version 1.13.3 - January 9, 2017
- improvement: ability to limit geocoding results by the default country
- improvement: an attempt to geocode by Google Places API when standard geocoding has failed
- improvement: [webdirectory-search] shortcode - ability to set exact categories and location for select lists
- bug fix: "File upload" field does not work from the backend
- bug fix: show_where_search in [webdirectory-search] parameter does not work

Version 1.13.2 - December 20, 2016
- new feature: added new content field type "File upload"
- improvement: WooCommerce listings and packages products become taxable
- bug fix: renamed deprecated Visual Composer function add_shortcode_param()

Version 1.13.1 - November 30, 2016
- improvement: payment for WooCommerce single listings products now will be processed in checkout
- new feature: attach Vimeo videos to listing as well as YouTube videos
- new feature: "Set as Active" button at admin dashboard to activate listings manually
- bug fix: "Any services are Free for administrators" setting was remained in WooCommerce mode
- bug fix: problem with expiration date in CSV import

Version 1.13.0 - November 7, 2016
- new feature: the plugin is compatible with WooCommerce
- new shortcodes: [webdirectory-breadcrumbs] and [webdirectory-term-description] to place on custom home pages
- bug fix: issue with listings price when thousands separator was set to dot
Reference URL's