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Doberman Dan’s Maximum Response Copywriting Checklist

The Rookie Copywriter’s Survival Guide
thank you mnnb...for the share...very valuable +5 rep :)
Thanks for the share, but this dude is a blowhard. You can't listen to or read his stuff without hearing "when I was with Gary Halbert..." every two minutes. It's like he doesn't have stuff of his own to share. And his "Knights of the Round Table" membership program is a complete sham. My advice: Don't waste your time hearing this guy bloviate about what 50 other "copywriting manuals" have to say as well. If anything just go to the source a read Gary Halbert's newsletter.
Kinda agree with with TruckTurner, but still a great share and a good read - max reps added for great share buddy

Agree/Disagree with the above comments. One of the things that is critical in marketing today is building your brand and getting people to remember you. This means repeating your message over and over again until people know your voice. What Dan has done is drum that into your head so now you know exactly who you are.

Obviously, that is working for him...

So, here is another item from him. Some good "nuggets in this one...


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